
Each of the techniques listed on this page can be used alone, or more often in combination, to stimulate healing and move you closer to your health goals. This is not a comprehensive list of treatments offered, but will provide some information about Desert Rain’s commonly use therapies.


As a part of ancient medicine, acupuncture is more than 3000 years old. Acupuncture along with diet, herbal medicine, and other techniques like tui na and cupping, combine to make a complete healthcare system. Acupuncture uses tiny, single use needles inserted into points located on meridians or pathways that can balance the body’s energy allowing for overall improved functioning. In addition to the energetic aspects of acupuncture, it is used to treat both chronic and acute pain, addictions, infertility, and almost any disorder you can think of. Acupuncture is a gentle, safe, and effective way to improve your mental and physical health.


Homeopathic medicine has been used for hundreds of years and is based on the idea that “like cures like.” A homeopathic remedy is a substance (vegetable, mineral, or animal) that when given to a healthy person produces a specific set of symptoms. However, in an ill person, their symptoms can be matched to a particular remedy. When the correct remedy is given, a reaction occurs which stimulates the person’s natural defenses to facilitate a healing reaction. Homeopathy is a powerful, affordable, and safe form of medicine that is a cornerstone of naturopathic medicine.

Herbal Medicine

This form of medicine dates back to the dawn of mankind. Our relationship with plants continues to grow and transform. Today some of the most commonly used pharmaceuticals are derived from plants. However, when using a part of an herb and discarding the remainder, we lose many of its healing properties. It is important to not only understand the biochemical action of herbs, but also the historical, ecologic, and energetic properties as well.


Hydrotherapy simply means the use of water to initiate healing in the body. Hydrotherapy has been used for hundreds of years by numerous cultures as a means of restoring heath and preventing disease. It is also referred to as “water cure” or “nature cure.” While there are many forms of hydrotherapy, often the term is used to describe alternating hot and cold water which is applied to a particular part of the body. This therapy is used by naturopathic doctors to treat many health conditions.


With today’s busy lifestyle, it isn’t hard to fall into an unhealthy pattern of too much stress, not enough sleep, poor nutrition, no physical activity, etc. Sometimes it takes a different perspective to realize you have gotten stuck in one or more of these patterns. The doctors at Desert Rain are skilled in recognizing these imbalances and helping you to formulate a plan to change these patterns.


The idea that the mind and body have a powerful connection is continuing to grow in popularity. We are not an accumulation of parts, but one whole being. If we have a physical injury it can affect us emotionally. The reverse is just as true and often the cause of many health problems today. The mind is an extremely powerful thing. At Desert Rain, we are skilled at helping you to reconnect your mind and body while showing you how to recognize how one affects the other.          

Physical Medicine

This is a broad category that encompasses many different types of therapies applied to the body structures (soft tissue, fascia, and bones). Some of these therapies involve direct techniques such as spinal manipulation, while others are more subtle such as craniosacral. We provide many types of physical medicine, and will choose the best tools to treat your individual needs.